پایان نامه های لاتین

1400/02/28 تعداد بازدید: 5029

Author Title Degree Date
Kimiagalam, jafar Contribution a L''etude geothermique de L''hydvogeologie- des glissements de terrain Docteur  
Shabanian, Masud Devonian biostratigraphy in saluk mount, south west of Bojnurd   1998
Zaadeh- Kabir, Hadji Etude tectonique d''une partie du languedoc septentrional entre ales et largentiere (France). Ducteur 1983
Khosrow Etude    
Klingebiel, Andre A la faculite des sciences de l''universite de bordeaux Doctorat 1967
Stampfli, Gerard maurice Etude geologique generale de l''Elburz oriental au S de Gonbad-e-Qabus Iran N-E Docteur 1978
Aghanabati, S.Ali Etude geologique de la region de Kalmard (W. Tabas) (Iran central) stratigraphie et tectonique Docteur  
Salehi. Siavochani, H. Etude stratigraphique petrographique sedimentologique et geochimique du paleocene et de leocene phosphate AU N N.E et au centre. W de la Tunisie Docteur 1978
Rahimzadeh, Faramarz Contribution a la geologie de la formation de Kerman (paleocene) Iran central Etude sedimentologique et paleogeographique Doctorat  
Lotfi, Mohammad Geological and geochemical investigations on the volcanogenic Cu, Pb-Zn, sb Ore-Mineralizations in the Shurab- Galechah and northwest of Khur( Lut, East Iran) Doktorgrades 1982
Chih- Hsien Sun Geochemical and Isotopic Studies of Arc Volcanism Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences 1999
Taheri, Jafar Stratigraphy, ichnology and sedimentary environments of the late bajocian- Late Bathonian Kashafrud Formation, Northeastern Iran Doktorgrades 2009
Nezafati, Nima Au - Sn - W - Cu- Mineralization in the Astaneh - Sarband Area, West Central Iran Doktors 2006
Xue - Ming Yang Petrogenesis of Gold - Related Granitoid Intrusions in Southwestern new Brunswick, Canada Doctor of Philosophy 2005
Majidifard, Mahmoud Reza Biostratigraphy, Lithostratigraphy, ammonite taxonomy and microfacies analysis of the middle and upper jurassic of norteastern Iran Doktorgrades 2003
Bariand, Pierre Contribution ala mineralogie DE L,Iran PHD - Docteur (mention sciences) 1962
Ehtechamzadeh - Afchar, Mahmoud les deformations tectoniques superposees de la zone des chevauchements de digne enter barcillonnette et Astoin (Hautes - Alpes et Alpes de haute - Provence) PHD - Docteur Ingenieur 1973
Lescuyer, Jean-Luc et Riou, Robert Geologie de la region de mianeh (Azerbaijan) contribution a letude du volcanisme tertiaire de l,Iran PHD - Docteur de Specialite 1976
Houchmand- Zadeh, A. Metamorphisme et granitisation du Massif Chapedony (Iran central) PHD - Docteur Ingenieur 1969
Zahedi, Mostafa Etude geologique de la region de soh (W de l,Iran central) PHD - Docteur es sciences Naturelles 1971
Zavarei, Ahmad Monographie des spondylidae (Lamellibranches) actuels et fossiles PHD - Docteur d,Etat es sciences Naturelles 1973
Didon, Jacques et Gemain, Yves-Marie Le Sabalan, volcan plio - Quaternaire de l,Azerbaidjan oriental (Iran): etude geologique et petrographique de liedifice et de son environment regional PHD - Docteur DU 3`Cycle 1976
Chayasteh, Teymour Etude sedimentologique et stratigraphique de la formation charbonneuse de Shemshak (Trias superieur, jurassique inferieur at moyen) de la region de Tazareh, Elbrouz, Iran PHD - Docteur Ingenieur 1978
Khosrow Teherani, Khosrow Etude stratigraphique du cretace superieur et du paleocene de l''Iran central (region comprise entre Esfahan Djandagh et Yazd) PHD - Docteur es sciences 1977
Jami, Morteza Geology, Geochemistry and Evolution of the Esfordi phosphate - Iran Deposit, Bafg Area, Central Iran PHD - Doctor of Philosophy 2005
Morteza Jami Geology, Geochemistry and Evolution of the Esfordi Phosphate - Iron Deposit, Bafq Area, Central Iran A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy August, 2005
Pillipe A. Levine Sequence stratigraphic simulation: A tool for modeling the stratal Architecture within sedimentary depositional systems Doctor 1999
Patrick Ian McLaughlin Cratonic Sequence Stratigraphy: Advances from analysis of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic successions DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 2006
Alejandro Gallardo Garcia Middle eocene-early miocene larger foraminifera from vhofar (Oman) and socotra island (Yemen) PHD. Doctora 2015
Monireh Poshtkoohi Geochemical Characterization and Tectonic Setting of Magmatism in the Proterozoic Cratons of Central Iran and Western India Doctor of Philosophy 2015
J. Thomas Nash Volcanogenic Uranium Deposits: Geology, Geochemical Processes and Criteria for Resource Assessment   2010
Tormanen, Tuomo Ore mineralogy, geochemistry and formation of the sediment-hosted sea floor massive sulfide deposits at Escanaba Trough, NE Pacific, with emphasis on the transport and deposition of gold   2005
Momenzadeh, Morteza stratabound lead-zinc ores in the lower cretaceous and jurassic sediments in the Malayer-Esfahan district (west central Iran) lithology, metal content, zonation and genesis Ph.D 1976


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