گزارش های لاتین

1400/02/27 تعداد بازدید: 5808

Call No Author Statement Subtitle Title Personal name
‭R1     Introduction to geophysical prospecting  
‭R2 G. Shamanian   Hammer prospecting in Arghash gold orefield sauthern Nishabour Shamanian, G.
‭R3     Geophysical and geochemical instrumentation and services  
‭R4     Evaluation of laboratory tests of orientation graphite, diatomite and zeolite samples submitted by the Geological Survey Iran.  
‭R5 Christian Straub   Recent crustal Deformation and strain Accumulation in the marmara sea region, N. W. Antolia, inferrmara from GPS Measurements Straub, Christian
‭R6 Yasutaka Ikeda   Surface faults associated with the Qayen, northeast Iran, earthquake of may 10 Ikeda, Yasutaka
‭R7     Comprehensive surface geologic mapping  
‭R8 Hugh C. Mitchell   Definitions of terms used in geodetic and other surveys Mitchell, Hugh C.
‭R9     Seismic workstation software strong motion data analysis  
‭R10 S. Alpan Ministry of mines and metallurgy Department of Technical Co- operation for Development Alpan, S.
‭R11 M. D. Amidi...[et. al]   Ophiolite Amidi, M. D.
‭R12 Soleyman Kousari   Development of the sefid- roud delta (north Iran) Kousari, Soleyman
‭R14 F. Khankhagje   Summary of flotation tests on the Nayband Lead-Zinc ore Khankhagje, F
‭R15 E. Romanko...[et al.] Explanatory text to metallogenic 1:250 000 Outline of metallogeny of Anarak area (central Iran) Romanko, E.
‭R16 A. G. Link, E. C. Druce   Ludlovian and Gedinnian Conodont stratigraphy of the Yass Basin, New South Wales Link, A. G.
‭R13 M. Sharkovski...[et al.] Explanatory text of the Anarak quadrangle map 1:250 000 Geology of the Anarak area (central Iran) Sharkovski, M.
‭R17 Manuel Berberian   Preliminary report on structural analysis of ipak active fault Berberian, Manuel
‭R18 A. Ashanabati   Status of stratigraphy in pelation to the sedimentry basins of Iran Aghanabati, A.
‭R19 M. Davoudzadeh, K. Seyed- Emami and M. Amidi   Preliminary note on a newly discovered Triassic section northeast of Anarak (central Iran), with some remarks on the age ofthe metamorphism in the Anarak region Davoudzadeh, M.
‭R20 Manoochehr Takin   Iranian geology and continental drift in the middle east Takin, Manoochehr
‭R21 L. Aistov...[et al.] Explanatory text of the Khur quadrangle map 1:250 000 Geology of the Khur area (central Iran) Aistov, L.
‭R22 A. Haghipour, M.H. Iranmanesh and M. Takin   The chir earthquake in southern persia (a field report and geological discussion) Haghipour, A.
‭R23     Legal Regulations for mining in Mexico  
‭R24 K. Seyed-Emami, A. Branis and F. Bozorgnia   Stratigraphy of the cretaceous rocks southeast of Esfahan Seyed- Emami, K.
‭R25 K. Seyed- Emami   The jurassic badamu formation in the Kerman region, eith remarks on the jurassic stratigraphy of Iran Seyed- Emami, K.
‭R26 Klaus Vogel   On the upper cretaceous in east Iran and in west and nirth Afghanistan Vogel, Klaus
‭R27 Helmut W. Flugel   Upper permian corals from Julfa Flugel, Helmut W.
‭R28   Project N1 Recherche de nouvelles zones favorables phases preliminaire repport Novembre 1979 Recherches de phosphates en Iran  
‭R29 Pedram Aftabi, Hojat Allah Jahangiri   Potash exploration report (step 2) Kuh-e-namak Pohl Aftabi, Pedram
‭R31   Project No 4 phosphate research in southern Iran Phosphate research in Iran  
‭R30   Final report first and second phases Phosphate research in the south of Iran  
‭R77 Naz Ahmad Shaikh & Lars Persson   A Comparative Study Between the Geological Surveys of Britain (BGS), Ireland (GSI), Finland (GTK), the United States (USGS), and Sweden (SGU) Ahmad Shaikh, Naz
‭R32 by: Maurice Slansky final report first and second phases Phosphate resarch in the south of Iran Slansky, Maurice
‭R33   Etude economique de L''''Industrie et du marche mdndial du phosphate position de L''''Iran dans le contexte mdndial Recherches phosphates en Iran  
‭R34   Project No 4 phosphate research in southern Iran preliminary Technological and Economic study: Estimate of the Cost of transportation ... Phosphate research in Iran  
‭R35   Project No 4 South Iran preliminary Economic and Technological study synthesis report Phosphate research in Iran.  
‭R36 D. Mariton Rapport final des premiere et deuxieme phases Recherches de Phosphates dans le sud de L''''Iran research in Iran. Mariton, D
‭R37 Par Maurice Kieken Rapport final des premiere et deuxieme phases Recherches de phosphates dans le sud de L''''Iran Kieken, Maurice
‭R38   Annexe 2 coordonnees et implantation des coupes "C" de la premiere phase Recherches de phosphates dans le sud de L''''Iran  
‭R39     Proposal for an estimation of the potential phosphate resources in Iran  
‭R40   Project No 3 recherche de phosphate danas le Nord-ouest Zagros Recherches de phosphates en Iran  
‭R41   Project N3 phosphate research in the North- Western Zagros First phase Phosphate research in Iran.  
‭R42   Project No 2 recherche de phosphate dans L''''Alborz central premiere phase Recherches de phosphates en Iran.  
‭R43   Project N4 recherche de phosphate en Iran du sud (Gisenent de Kuh-e-Rish) Etude Economique et technique preliminaire Recherches de phosphates en Iran,  
‭R44   Project No 4 recherche de phosphate en Iran du sud etude Economique et technique preliminaire... Recherches de phosphates en Iran.  
‭R45 H. Andrew Daniels   Final technical report- Zarshuran gold project Daniels, H.Andrew
‭R46 G. Baudet, M. Baron, P.I. Hergibo   Kuh-e-Kumeh phosphate rock (Islamic republic of Iran) ore benefication study (phase 2) Baudet, G.
‭R47   Projet 4 sud- Iran- Etude Economique et technologique preliminaire, Rapport de synthese Recherches de phosphates en Iran  
‭R48 G. Cornet Project: phosphate research in southern Iran... Report: preliminary hydrogeological reconnassance Estimation of the potential phosphate resources in Iran Cornet, G
‭R49 Jacobs, Dorrco Qualifications and experience Process facilities for the phosphatic fertilizer industry Jacobs
‭R50   de annales des combustibles loquides Revue de l institut Francais du petrole  
‭R51     Akashat phosphate project IRAQ  
‭R52 Cento Meeting   Recent progress in mineral development in Iran Meeting, Cento
‭R53 Ardito Desio   La geologia nello sviluppo economico dei paesi africani Desio, Ardito
‭R54 by James P. Minard. James P. Owens and Norman F. Sohl   Coastal plain stratigraphy of the upper chesapeake bay region Minard, James P.
‭R55   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7150- Rafsanjan 1  
‭R56   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7249- Chahargonbad  
‭R57   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7350- Baghin  
‭R58   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 6853- Yazd  
‭R59   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 6850- Marvast  
‭R60   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7250- Rafsanjan 2  
‭R61   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7349- Bardsir  
‭R62   Explanatory booklet Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale 1:100 000 Sheet 7149- Pariz  
‭R63   Summary statistics Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region comprehensive report Subarea 3  
‭R64     Deformation und metamorphose von gesteinen. ll  
‭R65     Ophiolithe initialite 1981  
‭R66   Annexe 3 Fiches des analyses chimiques et physiques executees durant la premiere phase, Rapport final des premiere et deuxieme phases. Recherches de phosphates dans le sud de L''''Iran.  
‭R67 P. Andreieff Annexe 4 Fiches des etudes petrographiques en lames minces et des etudes micropaleontologiques. Rapport final des premiere et deuxieme phases. Recherches de phosphates dans le sud de L''''Iran Andreieff, P
‭R68 J. Beswick   Relinquishment report SE Kerman belt Beswick, J.
‭R69 Georges ladame (Teheran)   Le gisement potassifere de mamane en Iran Georges ladame (Teheran)
‭R70     New indications of potash in Iran Chagan
‭R71 D. J. Gobbett   Atlas of palaeobiogeography Gobbett, D. J.
‭R72 Jovan Stocklin   Possible ancient continental margins in Iran Stocklin, Jovan
‭R73     Global symmetry of mineralization belts (1972)  
‭R74     Geological exploration working report on Au III anomaly of Arghash gold deposites in Naishabour area, Khorasan province  
‭R75 R. Giret and L. Malnar the cestum vapor magnetometer A new airborne magnetometer Giret, R.
‭R76 Gary V. Latham...[et al.]   Passive seismic experiment Latham, Gary V.
‭R78 By: R.B.Flint ...[et. al] For Sultanate of Oman Haushi- Huqf- Masiran Area: Geophysical mapping program 1995- 1998: final geological Report World Geosience Corpoation
‭R79 C. A. (Jun) Angeles, John C. Gingerich & Omid Haeri - Ardakani   Status report on the south Khorasan Joint study project Angeles, C. A.
‭R80 Richard H. Sillitoe   Exploration and Discovery of Base - and Precious - Metal Deposits in the Circum - Pacific Region - a Late 1990s Update Sillitoe, Richard H.
‭R81 L. Martin Stream Sediment Ratings, Stream Sediment Residuals, Alluvial Sample Ratings, Alluvial Sample Residuals Appendix A Computer Data Listing Martin, L.
‭R82     Preliminary Mining Reconnaissance Report on Results of Heochemical Survey West Block - Area 3 Eastern Iran  
‭R83 H. M. Meixner...[et al.]   Report on Preliminary Mineral Reconnaissance west Block, Area 3 East Iran Project for Geological and Mineral Survey of Iran Meixner, H. M.
‭R84 J. E. Riddell Preliminary Report on Geochemical Orientation Studies in the West Block, Eastern Iran Project November 30, 1976 Appendix C Orientation Survey Riddell, J. E.
‭R85 R. J. Griffis,,,[et al.]   Report on Preliminary Mineral Reconnaissance East Block, Area 3 East Iran Project for the Geological and Mineral Survey of Iran Griffis, R. J
‭R86   Text of the Report Eastern Iran Project Zone IV Mining Reconnaissance Report N 5 Qayen Area  
‭R87   Text of the Report Eastern Iran Project Zone IV Mining Reconnaissance Report N 7 Shahrakht Area  
‭R88   Text of the Report Eastern Iran Project Zone IV Mining Reconnaissance Report N 9 Sedeh Area  
‭R89 Arizona land subsudence group (ALSG) Research and informational needs for effective risk management Land subsidence and earth fissures in Arizona  
‭R90 James W. Borchers...[et al.]   Land subsidence from groundwater use in California  
‭R91 Geological survey of Iran   Proposal for the geological mapping and mining reconnaissance in eastern Iran  
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